Welcome to our website. My name is Joe Novak and I live in Las Cruces, New Mexico. My wife Laurie and I have been decorating our home for Christmas since 1987. She decorates the inside and I decorate the outside. We love it. Over the years we have built many different displays and have had a lot of fun doing them. I love to build animated displays.

          In 1992 a friend and neighbor David Morock turned me on to a computer program the he wrote and a controller that he built to control my lights. Oh WOW, thats when the true fun began. For years my display was run by a computer that controlled my lights to a set program we wrote for the display. It wasn't til 2006 when I discovered Light-O-Rama, that the WOW factor came back. The ability to put my lights to music and be able to dim them was awsome. 2007 was my first year using the Light-O-Rama with 64 channels. I'll tell you, programing each song to control the lights is easy, but very time consuming. About 15 to 20 man hours per song. 

         The only drawback to my 2007 display was that with the animated displays and the lights going to music, I felt they didn't work together. With the animated displays being lit all the time, it was to bright to get the effect I wanted. I took a year off in 2008, it was a very congested year ( lack of time). In 2009 I decided to do my display with all lights and no animated displays. I used the same music and 64 channels from 2007 and added a couple more songs. I think it looked great, other than needing more channels to really get the effect I wanted. That's the big thing in my home now, ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MORE CHANNELS! LOL. Anyway, feedback I received for my 2009 display was mixed. Some thought it was awsome and those that have seen my display in the past, missed the animated displays. So for 2010, I am adding 128 channels to get the effect I want and I am putting up my animated displays in another area as so not to distract from my LOR controled lights. It's going to be a busy 2010. 

       So far in 2010 I have added this website,started programing new music, and ordered lights. I will be posting pictures of our projects on my website as the year progresses. 

       Again thanks for visiting our website, and please if you have any questions or have any comments please let us know. 


Contact us at: Novakinc@comcast.net




The display is up and running as of November 27th at

4041 Stoneville Ct. Las Cruces NM 88005

The display hours this year are from

5:15pm to 10:00pm

Monday thru Thursday

5:15pm to 10:30pm

Saturday and Sunday

December 22nd and 23rd til 11:00pm

Christmas eve and Christmas day til 12 midmight

Last night of the display will be December 31st midnight















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